Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Joy, Peace, Gratitude... Bliss!

This week has been rough.

It's to be expected when you're in ministry and about to put on an event to fight for women's hearts. Yet, it's still hard when it happens.

Weeks like this can sometimes leave me feeling worn out and depressed.

But this time, I've chose to give it all up to God and let Him fight the battle for me. So, now I'm instead feeling things like joy and peace...emotions that don't make sense in the midst of battle, right? Well, that's the beauty of God.

Another emotion I've been experiencing is gratitude. So, I thought it was appropriate, to do another Bliss List!

I am grateful for...

1. My DD discovering how to clap!

2. My DD discovering how to stand!

3. Attending my first homeschool conference, finding and purchasing our curriculum for next year! (more in-depth post to come)

4. Watching my DD give kisses to Grandma and then to herself in the mirror!

5. Discovering Kale Chips for the first time! I can't get enough!!!

6. Getting my girls to successfully share a room!!!

7. Watching my DD in her in-studio dress rehearsal for dance and seeing that she knows most of the steps.

8. Having the revelation that "Healthy eating isn't about deprivation; it's about healthy substitutions!" (recipe for Homemade Peppermint Patties to come)

9. That I have people in my life who make me feel good about myself, who believe in me even when I don't believe in myself, who have grace for me when I don't have it for myself, and who appreciate me.

10. That I can add lemon extract to my protein shakes and make them taste like a lemon cookie!

11. That I got a second opinion on running, bought my first "real" running shoes, bought a knee compression and will be signing up for my first Warrior Dash!

12. That I won my first blogger giveaway!

13. That my Dr approved lucuma powder, unsweetened cocoa powder and tomatoes for my diet again!

14. That I can make Homemade Sugar-Free Chocolate Bars! Whoop-whoop! (recipe to come, as well as a Homemade Sugar-Free Salted Chocolate Bar recipe)

15. Discovering alcohol-free Vanilla extract (as well as other alcohol-free extracts)! I'm never going back!!!

16. That my DD is starting to form words like, "Da-Da" and "A-Ga" (all gone).

What are you grateful for today?